The Association shall be called the United Kingdom Audio Recording Association (UKARA)
The purpose of the Association is to maintain and encourage bonds between individuals with similar interests in recording – audio and audio for video.
The dissemination, electronically, of useful and relevant information to members.
The sharing, electronically and directly, of recorded items of interest between members.
The arrangement of social gatherings
The running of a recording contest.
There shall be one Honorary Co-ordinator and one Honorary Treasurer
Other roles may be created as required.
The Hon. Treasurer shall have a named bank account for the purpose of handling any monies associated with the Association
A minimum charge shall be made for membership for the purpose of covering annual administration costs.
Any entries to competitions as at (4) above shall be funded by the entrant.
The Hon. Co-ordinator shall call an annual meeting giving a minimum of three weeks’ notice.
Any proposals to be brought to that meeting by members should be advised to the Hon. Co-ordinator at least 48 hours before the AGM.
Other meetings can be arranged by any member on an ad hoc basis. These meetings shall be funded at members own expense.
Members attending meetings must meet their own costs.
In the event of dissolution, any funds outstanding after the payment of any debts, shall be donated to organisations with similar aims. This to be decided at a meeting called for that specific purpose.
Adopted by UKARA coordinating committee 23/02/2014
First amendment 22 June 2014